Friday, May 27, 2011

Oh the places you'll go

So it's that time of year... graduation time! Chance's little sister is walking across the stage tomorrow and I am so excited for her! I hope it doesn't rain because I have an extremely cute dress that I'd like to wear haha. I think graduating is a pretty big accomplishment because high school sucks and not enough kids realize how important that piece of paper is!

 My cute little family

I can't believe it's already been a year since Chance and I graduated. I'd say I had a mostly productive year since then. I started college....and well that's about it! I didn't gain the "freshmen fifteen" and I didn't go away to some big school, waste a bunch of money, and end up at the community college anyway. 
I met a lot of nice new people this year but I'm also a firm believer that just because we go to school in an new building does not mean you are a completely new person (because I knew like 3 people in each of my classes.) Sorry if thats harsh but it's true. If you couldn't be my friend in high school I am not going to be your friend now.  
I wish I could say I have done more like got my own place but it's ok because this is probably my last summer at home if everything goes according to plan. So we'll see.... fingers crossed! I really really need to get out of this town ASAP! If you want to do anything sort of fun you have to go to Colorado anyway!

Chance and I Senior Prom

Since I'm thinking about graduation and high school I can honestly say I'm not a person who will miss it. I guess it was fun while it lasted but I don't know I guess I'm just not a person who's going to be "stuck in high school." I never had a lettermen jacket, didn't go to dances that often, and ditched class whenever I could! High school just wasn't fun for me. Especially my senior year. My little Aunt Sandy passed away in November (she was basically my second mom) and that really really sucked. I didn't have her to help me get ready on prom or see me graduate. I really didn't care about school or stupid drama or anything else after that. It was cold outside and a death wasn't supposed to happen senior year. Chance and I used to go over to her house almost every week to eat lunch with her (she only lives exactly a block away from me!) We used to tan outside and read books and I really miss those days (more then words could ever say.) We have matching purple lips and she was one of my best friends. That was tough...
I never really had to many girl friends either but that really never bothered me, I had mostly guy friends I guess. But I had/have my Chance and he's the best friend I could have ever imagined! He helped me with Aunt Sandy's passing (making sure I was always ok) and he's always been my shoulder to cry on. 
My beautiful Aunt Sandy

High school helped me decide that I want to be an elementary school teacher because elementary is before people turn into weird dumb grown ups!! Children are so innocent and if I can help them stay that way for as long as possible why not!?

But anyways that's my little trip down memory lane.... 

Monday, May 23, 2011


 U2 was AMAZING! It was the best lights and video I have seen in a concert and I have seen tons of concerts (no joke usually more then 5 a year!)  It was their first show of the North American tour and it was 100% mind blowing (coming from a not huge fan of U2!) 
My mom actually bought the tickets two years ago as a graduation present for Chance and I haha! But since Bono hurt his back it was put off

 The screen turned into a cage!

Anyways, that was my weekend! My quilt is coming along nice as ever. I've decided to put the book on here that I get a lot of advice and help from (plus this quilt pattern!) I highly recommend it for any new seamstress!

It has templets to a ton of different clothing, a really cute elephant (I've made a ton of those but have no pictures because they were all pre-blog) and even dog coats! She also explains everything really well and it comes with a lot of different patterns! Here's a link to it on if anyone's interested.

I've gone owl crazy I suppose and here is the newest one! I'd tried to make it look like nighttime, which I think I accomplished pretty well!

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Goal

Patchwork Quilt! I've made one before with Pooh Bear and yellow fabric that turned out really cute so this should be pretty simple! I'll post pictures if it goes well.  I bought the fabric today so I'm washing it now! It's green and blue and brown and yellow paisley and stripes and all kinds of crazy!
Tomorrow I am going to see U2 and The Frey which should be pretty fun if it doesn't rain on us that is.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to sew an owl (according to me)

Turns out yesterday was a great day for crafts because it was cold and rainy! How lucky, I didn't waste a beautiful sunny day inside!
Anyways, I decided to sew an owl. I searched for free owl patterns for a good half an hour and I didn't find exactly what I was looking for. So for my pattern I made it up!

The Fabric

Things you will need:
 Body (1 piece)
 Wings (four pieces, 2 brown 2 blue)
 Beak (1 piece)
Feet (4 pieces)
Tummy (1 piece)
 Face (1 piece) 
Eyes (2 pieces)
Buttons (2 for over the eyes)

I couldn't find just one pattern I liked so here is picture of the patter I used the most of the body, but I made up the pattern for the wings, which I also put up! Here's a link to the owl pattern 

Alrighty, so after I drew out the pattern I cut them out (which I could have redrawn them on tissue paper but I'm a little bit to lazy for that) and pinned them to the fabric (make sure it's on the grain!)

 Everything pinned down

After cutting out the pieces I then sewed the tummy, face and beak onto the front of the owl (I'll hand sew the eye's and buttons on as a final step) Cut slits in all the corners and round parts  (and pointy parts of the ear) so they all turn out how they are supposed to look. Then I flipped the owl around (so both fronts were together) and completed the body! Then iron to flatten**Remember to leave a hole to be able to turn it inside out and to stuff with fluff, this also puts the seem on the inside
Resulting in this:

The front sewn completely 

Then put the two fronts of the wings together and sew. Cut slits by all the round parts and corners so it'll look right when you flip it**Again remember the hole to be able to flip inside out
Do the same to the feet

Back and front of the wings 

Hand sew the feet, wings, eyes, and buttons to the body and the finished project is the owl!!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This makes it official

Today I am going to clean and organize evvvvvvvvvverything (I did my car today) and get out all my crafts
I will have a MEGA ARTS AND CRAFTS DAY and it will be amazing! I think blogging about it will make it real, almost as real as Facebook! And I will post pictures of my day later... if everything goes according to plan!
Anyways I will leave you with this
Taken last year, summer/fall time

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mans Best Friend

Here is Chance and Lexi (his baby girl!) He's been considering the Marines for a while now and he's told me that she is going to be the hardest part in leaving because we can't explain to her that he'll be back. 
I remember the night he got her. It was the beginning of December, last year.  We had been looking to get him a puppy for a long time and he only wanted a white Husky. It was a Sunday night and I had already gone home when he called me around 8:30 and said, "I found a white husky puppy in Chugwater. We're going to go look at her right now!" Some crappy little link on a dog breed website that could have been a virus was actually an advertisement for these puppies. And you can't say no when it comes to puppies. So Chance, his dad and went to this tiny little house in Chugwater (which if you know anything about Wyoming has maybe....30 people in the whole town haha) and sure enough there was 3 little girl completely white huskies! They were six weeks old, hardly old enough to leave, and only one was left for sale. 
The breeders said they were $500 each except for the unsold one because she was broken and born with an umbilical hernia (so she could never breed and have puppies) so she was half off! Well this was perfect because Chance couldn't go over $300, she was sold right then and there.
We brought her back to Chance's house and she has been our little (sometimes naughty) Christmas sale puppy!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well my familia went to Aspen down in Colorado for my brothers lacrosse game so Chance spent the night! We rented the Pacquiao-Mossley fight and ate about 300 pounds of Chinese was great to say the least. 
It finally felt like spring time this weekend so I went and photographed just about everything. It felt so nice to be out in the sunshine and just taking pictures. It makes me feel a lot better. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

 I realized that I haven't posted anything about my website! It is  and it's pretty great. However, I haven't updated it in a while because my lovely family downloaded a bunch of viruses onto it and it is getting fixed. I'm off to study for history (it's modern day..and extremely boring! 
It was an amazingly nice day today so I went and did homework in the cemetery to visit my Aunt Sandy. I know it sounds weird but it is a great place to study. It's quite (ha...oops), sunny, not windy, and where my Aunt Sandy is (she passed away about a year and a half ago) there is a little herd of antelope that live there
Here is some pictures for today!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just another Manic Monday

         So I stayed up tell about two in the morning only to rise and shine at seven and start the day over. I had a math test today and I'm not sure how well I did. I hope I did ok because I need this math class for my class in the fall semester. I did my best though so that's all I can do!

                   I took Ruca to a new park though once I got home and she was sooooo cute! I'm pretty sure she was a bird dog in another life because she just loves to chase those birds. The park I took her to isn't really a park it's just a big piece of prairie that no one has done anything with so I can let her go off leash and she LOVES it!
Well I am off to study my notes for my finals and watch Phoebe in Wonderland


Sunday, May 1, 2011

I might just loose my mind

As spring semester is coming to an end I am now in finals mode... or at least I am trying. Today I had Chance change my password on Facebook so I can't get on until after finals! I'm don't know why I had him do that haha
I heard Osama or Usama.... I'm not sure anymore died. This is good but I'm scared what's going to happen because of it but I guess we will see!
Today in my Sunday school class I had my first day alone as a teacher! I had three kids and it was great! I have missed working with kids sooooo much they are the best. I can't wait to be a teacher.
Well I'm off to do some extremely stupid math homework. :(
Until we meet again!
Toby, thinking deep thoughts