My cute little family
I can't believe it's already been a year since Chance and I graduated. I'd say I had a mostly productive year since then. I started college....and well that's about it! I didn't gain the "freshmen fifteen" and I didn't go away to some big school, waste a bunch of money, and end up at the community college anyway.
I met a lot of nice new people this year but I'm also a firm believer that just because we go to school in an new building does not mean you are a completely new person (because I knew like 3 people in each of my classes.) Sorry if thats harsh but it's true. If you couldn't be my friend in high school I am not going to be your friend now.
I wish I could say I have done more like got my own place but it's ok because this is probably my last summer at home if everything goes according to plan. So we'll see.... fingers crossed! I really really need to get out of this town ASAP! If you want to do anything sort of fun you have to go to Colorado anyway!
Chance and I Senior Prom
Since I'm thinking about graduation and high school I can honestly say I'm not a person who will miss it. I guess it was fun while it lasted but I don't know I guess I'm just not a person who's going to be "stuck in high school." I never had a lettermen jacket, didn't go to dances that often, and ditched class whenever I could! High school just wasn't fun for me. Especially my senior year. My little Aunt Sandy passed away in November (she was basically my second mom) and that really really sucked. I didn't have her to help me get ready on prom or see me graduate. I really didn't care about school or stupid drama or anything else after that. It was cold outside and a death wasn't supposed to happen senior year. Chance and I used to go over to her house almost every week to eat lunch with her (she only lives exactly a block away from me!) We used to tan outside and read books and I really miss those days (more then words could ever say.) We have matching purple lips and she was one of my best friends. That was tough...
I never really had to many girl friends either but that really never bothered me, I had mostly guy friends I guess. But I had/have my Chance and he's the best friend I could have ever imagined! He helped me with Aunt Sandy's passing (making sure I was always ok) and he's always been my shoulder to cry on.
My beautiful Aunt Sandy
High school helped me decide that I want to be an elementary school teacher because elementary is before people turn into weird dumb grown ups!! Children are so innocent and if I can help them stay that way for as long as possible why not!?
But anyways that's my little trip down memory lane....