Monday, May 23, 2011


 U2 was AMAZING! It was the best lights and video I have seen in a concert and I have seen tons of concerts (no joke usually more then 5 a year!)  It was their first show of the North American tour and it was 100% mind blowing (coming from a not huge fan of U2!) 
My mom actually bought the tickets two years ago as a graduation present for Chance and I haha! But since Bono hurt his back it was put off

 The screen turned into a cage!

Anyways, that was my weekend! My quilt is coming along nice as ever. I've decided to put the book on here that I get a lot of advice and help from (plus this quilt pattern!) I highly recommend it for any new seamstress!

It has templets to a ton of different clothing, a really cute elephant (I've made a ton of those but have no pictures because they were all pre-blog) and even dog coats! She also explains everything really well and it comes with a lot of different patterns! Here's a link to it on if anyone's interested.

I've gone owl crazy I suppose and here is the newest one! I'd tried to make it look like nighttime, which I think I accomplished pretty well!

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